Night at the Museum

Details & Information from IMDB

Genre Adventure
Year 2006
Duration 108 min
Rating 6.5 out of 10
Description: "Everything comes to life."

A newly recruited night security guard at the Museum of Natural History discovers that an ancient curse causes the animals and exhibits on display to come to life and wreak havoc.
Comments: This movie had it all. Comedy, action and a touch of romance. It was slightly clichéd, but there were a few unexpected twists which didn't suck it down the cliché drain.

I was a bit scared, thinking this movie probably wouldn't satisfy me, and my friends and I just decided to watch it simply because there were actors we liked. However, it was all good. I think I have some serious reordering to do in my top 10 movies list.

They also made things look extremely real. For example, the T-Rex. It looked very real.

Overall, this was a good movie for all ages and it suits most genre preferences.